
Speaker Spotlight: Samantha Tricarico

Samantha Tricarico, CPhT, CSPT (she/her/hers)
National Pharmacy Educator
Optum Infusion Services

Sunday, March 26, 2023
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Describe your session in a tweet

Wonder why your compounders don't conform to your best practices? Join me to learn the reasons and solutions!

What is the most important thing you want attendees to take away from your session?

That training is much more than providing knowledge. It also requires understanding the trainee's needs, sharing reasons, benefits and proof for selection of processes, and building a lasting relationship for continued education.

Describe your first professional speaking experience?

I am excited to share that this will be my first professional speaking experience!

Excluding your session, what other topics are you passionate about in relation to the home and alternate site industry?

I truly believe that patient care must be the foremost responsibility in any healthcare aspect. I also strongly feel that being an employee-centric facility who advocates for their personnel is the most efficient way to build an operation of people dedicated to your patients.

If you could add a word to the dictionary, what would you add and what would it mean?

Sumoptint - assuming best intent - meaning to always look for the positives in others actions and recognize unawareness over malice.


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