Pamela McIntyre, MSN, RN, CRNI, IgCN, OCN, VA-BC
Founder-Owner/Operator, Expert Infusion Nurse Consulting, LLC
Describe your session in a tweet.
Have you ever struggled with the process of evaluating and launching a new drug? Whether a novel product or new to your company, join us as we go through the process of determining the clinical aspects of selection, preparation and administration of medications new to your patient population.
What is the most important thing you want attendees to take away from your session?
My hope is that companies will be able to develop a process by which the feel secure with their evaluation and selection of new medications for their patient population.
Excluding your session, what other topics are you passionate about in relation to the home and alternate site industry?
As oncology biologics expand into the home and independent AIC/AIS, the industry needs to prepare for the influx of these patients to ensure their safety and quality of care for this complex set of disease processes. I am on a quest to increase patient safety in infusion through clinical practice excellence.
What are you passionate about outside the home and alternate site infusion industry?
I am a music lover and appreciate many musical styles. I also love traveling in our fifth wheel, exploring the countryside and taking our time to find beautiful spots in unexpected places. I live a simple life in the country and enjoy gardening and tending to my animals.
Complete the following phrase as creatively as you'd like: If _____ were an Olympic sport, I would win a gold medal.
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