2025 Education Track Session

Trust But Verify: How to Ensure that your Sterile Facility Certifier is Doing What you Hired Them to Do

It’s critical to carefully scrutinize sterile facility and equipment certification reports, but the amount of time needed for this task appears daunting. This presentation will provide the busy designated person (DP) with a quick but effective checklist for assessing the quality of certification reports and the performance of certification personnel. A “passing” grade can provide the DP with some peace of mind: a “failing” grade indicates the need to dig deeper.
It’s critical to carefully scrutinize sterile facility and equipment certification reports, but the amount of time needed for this task appears daunting. This presentation will provide the busy designated person (DP) with a quick but effective checklist for assessing the quality of certification reports and the performance of certification personnel. A “passing” grade can provide the DP with some peace of mind: a “failing” grade indicates the need to dig deeper.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand critical components of the process of certifying sterile compounding facilities and equipment.
  • Recognize high-risk/error-prone issues commonly encountered in the certification process.
  • Employ a simple but effective “report card” for assessing certification activities.
  • Speaker(s)



    Registration for the Sterile Compounding Clinic Required